Friday, June 27, 2008

the last day

Greetings everyone

so today is my last day in austria. I am currently taking a break from packing the luggage.
It has been great here. the last week was pretty hectic. Parties had to be done, I needed to get all the paperwork and stamps from the school, prepare for my trip home.

It was hard. but know I have everything and it is a mere matter of catching my plane.
Also did a lot of fun stuff this last week.
On tuesday I went to Linz with carina. very beautiful city and we also visited the alps. well the beginning of it.
Normally we would climb them aswell but we were a bit short on time. It was a great day. I really got an austrian feeling there, and the air there was wonderful. Since I have astma I really notice pollution in the air and I could breath there. fantastic

then I also had a party at my flat. That was ... different. I had a little drinking contest with martin. Whiskey cola. First time I had whiskey btw. So after 5 glasses I just crashed. I was beat.
But martin was fine! he didn't have anything. He rigged the drinks. has to be. He just had cola. I had the whiskey with some cola for color. Yup, that's it.

Then yesterday there was also a party at domus. Was also very fun. met some new people.
That stuff always happens on the last day. It's pretty hard to say : nice meeting you, see you never again.

Oh well. Guess I'll live.
for the project, everything goes along great. I got my grades on the internship. 17/20
not bad eh.
Well i'm off now. have some more packing to do.
I will report back on wednesday, then I know if I passed the entire year and then I can tell how the jury on monday went.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008



So I have some bad news. I wasn't able to attend novarock, too bad .
why do you ask ? well Marion, my ride there fell sick the day before so we weren't able to go. Very unfortunate but nothing you can do about it.

so other news
the project is finished! Squid has been running since yesterday and so far so good. the project isn't online for 24h and we already have 12000 entries... neat huh :D
Also , newsflash i'm bored... very

I have paperwork to do but I don't want to.

listening to: Nirvana - Blew

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hurr ruurrr

So greetings!

Well last time I talked about the BBQ, didn't happen..
It was raining freakin sideways! I think my oh it hurts.. post overdid it a bit.

I did attend a little party on thursday, spent the evening at mau's place, drinking white wine with cola. wasn't that bad. hits like a hammer after an hour though.

it was great. played some drunken darts, Ended up second. and I didn't throw it into anyone's eye.
not that I know of but hey.

The weekend was pretty hectic. It turned out my thesis was due last monday while I thought it was the 16th. Yeah great going steve. you genius. Turns out that was the date my girlfriend had to deliver her thesis... woops..

Anyway! so for this week. deploying the Squid! I'm really excited about it. I've been running a test config for weeks now so I don't expect any major difficulties but you never know with software. then for the weekend I'll be attending Novarock!
It's going to be awesome. They do foresee a lot of rain but that might be a benefit on a festival. I am worried about my camera though ... we'll see , stay optimistic as marion told me. which is a good idea. but you should ask yourself how optimistic can you be without it turning into being pure hopefull.
I mean being optimistic is like going to the store and thinking that the whole cart won't be more then 80 €.
But going out with a girl thinking you'll get some tonight if hopefull..

yeah I'm deep as the ocean baby!

you probably won't see me till next monday orso so I bid you farewell, be good and have fun :-D
signing out

Monday, June 2, 2008

Long overdue

So greetings everyone
been a long long looong time since I made a post. but i'm going to make up for by a long post.

So what have I been up to lately. well nothing out of the extraordinary. I took a trip with the ISN to burgenland. Not as cool as it sounds but it was a very beautiful environment. you find some pictures and movies on the links to the right. Feel free to have a look. Once we were there we took a bike trip through the vineyards and those things are huge. also because of the hot weather that day I got a bit of a sunburn. nothing too bad but enough to get me some red skin and irritations for a few days. the boat trip was ... different. the boat would take us up a lake , and cross the hungarian border. very beautiful view and the wind was awesome. especially if you're burned :-D
then we also got a BBQ on the boat. good meat! and free wine. this was a bit of set back for me. I don't really like wine but I do like free stuff so I had 5 glasses. and I was in good shape. well statistics for that trip: 16-18 ISN people, 2 hour boat trip. 12 bottles of wine. Yeah, not bad huh.
well we paid 30€ for that trip. that includes lunch, the bikes, the boat, the BBQ and the bus trip there and back. We had to earn that money SOMEWHERE. and the idea of picking wine grapes for 30€ did not appeas me. Well not in their unprocessed form :-)

As for the rest, the usual. watch some movies. hang out. take a little walk and work.

Speaking of work that is going awesome. I completed the bulk of the project so now I'm throwing in some new shiny features like a Perl script that has some of the more common queries for the database and gets them for you at the press of a button.
Well the idea behind it is simpel. the more you do yourself, the less an other person can fuck up.

Also a big achievement I'm kind off proud of is my SQLDaemon script. the Perl script opens a FIFO, waits for input and when it comes , formats the input and inserts them into the database and then waits for some more input. It's like a taiwanese hooker when the navy is in town!
Squid doesn't support databases by default so I had to make a work around for it that proved to be quite stable.which is a good thing. Should anyone out there want the script for making Squid write to a PostgreSQL database... let me know. It might not be the best coding but it works and you don't have to do it anymore.

Currently it's only 4 more weeks and then back to home. Although St Pölten is a pretty dull city I will miss it. the easy going here got me kind off attached.
There are a few events planned for this week and the next.
wednesday there will be a BBQ for the ISN students, free. So I'm going .. duh!
I'm planning on inviting some friends here for a movie night or a drinking party or something. I'm hoping that there will be a party soon and then we can warm up here. I have 2 fridges of beer that need emptying. I swear they will be empty by the time I leave! that or I enter the plane drunk from the left overs. should prove interesting... Michiel will stand up for his homies. I hope

So that's it for today. i'll report back on wednesday and let you know how the BBQ was.
Oh and to the people of belgium.. how's the weather ? Heat wave in austria bitches! Oh it hurts doesn't it, it hurts ... *happy dance*

See you around!

Currently listening to: Nirvana - Lounge act

Friday, May 16, 2008

I told you so!

What did I say yesterday ? It is going to be one of those days ...
damn right it was. I knew it!

so I went to the party yesterday, a pyjama party. and off course there were people running around in pyjama's. boxershorts, bathrobes, sleeping gowns.. all there. and the party was good was really good. all night long there was system of a down, Korn, rage against the machine ... just my kind of music. that night really brought back memories of "the bolero" in zonhoven. It was the only rock cafe in zonhoven when I was 14-15. And I have spent alot of time there. unbelievable.

but during the freak out songs on the dance floor, someone bumped into me and I spraid my ankle. At that point I didn't feel much of it after 5 mins but I guess it was the adrenaline.
they closed the party at half past 3, a pity though it was a lot of fun. and I was in bed by 4.

fast forward to the morning. I get up , my ankle hurts like hell. still does btw. so I limped around in the appartment getting a shower and eating something. I had to be at the fachhochschule by 9'o clock. Marcus was going to take me along to setup the network for the Iron man competition here. it's some kind of sport marathon thingy.

It was cool. we laid a 400m long cable. had to climb up onto the roof, poles over gates...
AND this time I HAD to break a doorknob. well unscrew it actually but this time it was intentionally. It was fun. we had a good laugh while doing the work.

But we didn't have any food with us and we were there from half past 9 till 5 'o clock.
so that means hungry hungry steve-o. I'm going to finish work on my paperwork for the school and then head to the spar to fix me some nice taco's.

The day aint over yet! also first a thing I forget to mention.
as a student here, on my own. I need to be fed. but here I have to hunt my own food. so 2 times a week orso I head to the supermarkt here and resupply. there is cashier that knows me, seen me on regular intervals. and this morning. when I past her she demanded to see my backpack. but everything! what's under the laptop, the side pouches etc... People don't trust foreigners nowadays.

anyway, now that I want to cook , I grab a box of fishsticks out of the freezer and out jumps a piece of frozen chicken filet, hitting me in the head. those things are hard!
I want this day to end...
**end update

See ya everybody

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The new steve

Hello everybody!

I'm back in good 'l austria. I had spent the past 5 days in belgium. A birthday present from my parents. It was really nice. Most people I know would pay to keep me out of the country. so it's true. mother love is blind :-)

Well my stay there was awesome. Saw my parents, grandparents, girlfriend, my dogs and off course my bunny. I missed the lil bugger. The weather was hot there. 30 -35 degrees and more at certain points. So plenty of oppertunity to hold a BBQ! which we did off course. my dad also had his birthday so that had to be celebrated. 49 years old now. it's starting to add up.
another event was off course mothers day. the woman we can't live without... or with for that matter but hey. details :-D

Sara and me also celebrated our first year together. ANOTHER person that's crazy enough to want me around. Even though I hit her in my sleep. Yup, Steve "Domestic Abuse" Bielen. Another nickname to the list.

Since tuesday I arrived back in austria. It was a long trip so I didn't see much of my evening here.
Now for the rest of the week.
currently working on my project. It has taking a big turn. I'm currently working on getting squid to put it's log files in a database. But squid doesn't support it. There is one plugin that allows it but it does not suit my needs. So .. I am starting to write my own software for squid. Yup you read it, I'm writing my own linux software. I've come a long way from starting the school in 2005. The program will be written in Perl, It's similair to Python which I do know but I have to learn Perl from scratch. so far it's going along great. I can open the file, read the contents and prepare the data to input them into the database. I am currently studying a book : PostgreSQL second edition. it has a whole section dedicated on how to use perl with Postgre. So I expect this to be finished soon.

Saterday is going to be fun. the ISN here is organizing a boat bike and wine tour. we're going to do some sight seeing, and have free wine on a boat with a big BBQ. I was convinced at the free wine part but they made an effort.
Also, I'm a celebrity here. The school edits a newspaper and they have done an interview with me. I had the chance the ramble about myself for 45 mins so that was pretty cool.

That's about it for this post. Tonight there might be the chance that i'm off the a party but don't know yet. I have to be in the school tomorrow at 9'o clock.
Uuggh. it's going to be one of those days.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wacka Wacka


Woa I have a lot to talk about.

I had some visitors from belgium here and they came in peace. they als brought me a gift to show their kind intentions. It was a very pretty young lady that I could keep. Off course for your information that was Sara my girlfriend.

Robin and sandra and sara drove 9 hours by car just to see me. how awesome is that ? Well the girls came to see me. Robin came here to pick up the seasons of Stargate that I downloaded. We did a lot of fun stuff. Made some trips into the city here. ALOT of shopping. and I mean ALOT. fiendisch womans! but it was fun. Our trip to vienna was very cool.

When we arrived there on saturday there was a the vienna city fest in progress. so all the big squares with the library and all that had all kind of stands on it. a stage where some people where performing a sound check. and lots and lots of people. It was really great.

They also brought me some sweet sweet Jupiler. Now I have some REAL beer here. I'm going to savor it :-D
You can take a look at all of the photos, they're on my photobucket account.

there are some pictures that I'm very proud of.
This would be the first one: Look at the happy faces such a magical photo.. and then WHAM i'm in the background! neat huh!

also this is a pretty nasty one. it's a bear from a chocolate store.Look at the hands! look at em! Think of the children!
You might notice the amount of pictures. well there is a good explanation for it. Burst Mode.
we've been playing around with it and now I need to find some time to make animated gifs.
probably next week orso.

speaking of time, my project is making huge leaps forward and backwards aswell!
Steve typo Bielen struck again.
one random letter in the config file of squidguard and the entire proxy server crashed. sweet huh. But that's fixed now so all good.

Currently working on the blacklisting features. It's pretty scary though. I was at line 4300 on the porn blacklist and I didn't pass 1% of the entire file ... So much porn ...
ALSO! is a commercial blacklist. the biggest one around. they have everything divided into categories so that you can block or allow them easily. the weird part is that they have a seperate category for french education ... yeah let it sink in FRENCH EDUCATION!
why in the love of god would someone need a seperate category for french education.
I can image something like this:
"Sys admin": Johnson the system is having that bandwith problem again. What can we do about it ?"
"IT assistant": No idea , perhaps we can blacklist some sites?
"Sys admin": Open and shut case Johnson. let's blacklist the french and get this over with!

No really, what the hell. This is a case like the netauthority. they consider beastiality and interracial sex on the same level of offensive behavior. off course that site was a parody on the extreme religion kind off guys.
But i'm going to stop here.
Got some work to do.

see you guys and thanks for reading!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Mornin everybody,

take a seat, right over there. The steve has something to tell

so yesterday, my roommate and I were going out to get something to out. We went to a place called the kuckuck's nest. they have some great turkisch meals. and they have baklava. Did I mention I love baklava ? Anyway so we sit there, on our second beer. and this guy walks up and asks if he can come sit with us. he was a doctor and wanted to talk and get to know people. we talked about a lot of things. Like that he doesn't drink alcohol and that his only drugs are woman. now this guy was imho retarded. spoke very broken german, with a lot of pauses and he was one ugly motherfucker.

after 5 min he orders us all a gin & tonic. great beverage , loved the taste. So he ordered us a gin & tonic. " I don't drink alcohol, it's bad" but the guy does order a gin & tonic. oh the irony.
oh while we're at it, I had a affelstrüdel aswell. normaly it's pie. but here it was appeljuice with vodka and cinnamon. great drink. try it sometime.

on with the story, the guy was freaking us out so we left pretty quickly. while we were on our way home , my roommate saw a friend of his and she said there was a party going on at the wihast. wihast is one of the student homes here FYI. so we get there, have a drink make some small talk. One of the girls was drunk to booth. there was more alcohol in her then a russian on happy hour. she started talking to me , asking who I was etc etc... and suddenly she starts telling me how her father used to rape her and she went into very specific details on how those nights went on. ... I was SHOCKED!

Really, some things are better not said and THAT was one of them. Now i'm not known for my subtle ways but I am smarter then that.
so the party was good. We left at half past 12 and we wanted to get one more beer before hitting the sack so we went into town.
After some good and thorough looking we found a place called "In Vino" it obviously had a lot of wine. I went in there and mangled their sophisticated ways by ordering a beer.
"Steve Bielen, Culture barbarian. performing every other tuesday"

It was a nice place had a few laughs , talked with the bar owner. It was good. now my roommate wanted to try some wine so we got another round. After this some guy enters the bar, he's drunk and depressed. you can see that. suddenly he buys us a round of shots. don't know what the drink was but it was good.
so we toast in his health, and he buys us another round. I need to do that more often.
he went on some rant about how he lost his house in albania and how his wife left him blabla. well good thing I don't understand drunken german that well. Just keep the woman pleased and you don't have a problem. Dave chapelle has a good vision on men and chivalry btw. look him up on youtube if you have time.

At this point it was 01:45. the bartender decides to give us another round on the house, So I got another beer and christophe another wine. Right all finished then the guy buys us another round of the shots.

at this point I was drunk. so we kind off crawled home. hitting many fences and falling onto the floor. The good part about this is that I DID NOT BREAK ANYTHING! that's a first eh :-D
I still remember yesterday very well so Michiel don't try to blame me for any assasinations or destructions you did. You framed me once, not again.

The morning-after was not so good. I wake up, want to take a shower and my roommate threw up in the hallway. It wasn't pretty. the stuff is on the walls, a trail to his bed. his face was hanging with it ... I laughed. He can clean it up :D

That was about the most exciting part of last week. on sunday it was a beautiful day. so I went to the lake to meet up with bella and her boyfriend and some other guy. Forgot his name already. Sorry!
It was nice. just sitting around doing nothing while enjoying the sun. lovely

Work is also going great. Currently have the problem that I'm unable to set up a testing environment. The squid is running but I can't get it to behave transparent. I think my iptables are to blame here. but I'm on it. I'll keep you guys updated on the problem. Speaking of problems, Rainer was able to fix my script for the DHCP relay agent. so that makes it finished. great!

I'm going to leave at that for now. Some friends of mine are coming over tomorrow so I will be off for a while.

***Update I did the searching for you, Here is dave chapelle

Friday, April 25, 2008

Long time no see

no news for some time, sorry folks!

so about my week, Well I mostly worked.
getting fed up with it. all the googling. trying out new configurations. it gets dull after a while.

but that's why we have parties to make it better! yesterday there was a wannebe party here in the bubble bar. wasn't that bad. Music was good from time to time.

every DJ kan impress me with a track from the daft punk alive album...
but at around 2 "o clock I just had to leave. My shoulder was killing me.
it was up to the point that I couldn't feel my arm anymore. That was a bit of a mood killer for me.

but I got a good night sleep. that counts for something. This weekend is pretty normal.
I think on saterday i'm going to do some exploring in the city , perhaps get a drink with some people in the evening and sunday will probably my warhammer40k day. I have some XV88's to finish! my babies!

Also i'm looking forward to my friends who are coming to visit next week. that is going to be awesome.
well that's it for now.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Sum gud eatin!

Oh man, that was one good meal. and as some others also have done i'm going to put the recipe and a short HowTo: on my blog for this awesome dish.

first off, preheat the oven to an 200 degrees and then we work on our vegetables.
cut an onion and some mushrooms. fresh ones are preferred.
then start by baking some minced meat together with the mushrooms and onions,
you can also add some sliced paprika.
spice it up with salt, pepper and some paprika herbs.
let this cook for a while then turn it off.

next step is to hollow out a paprika, aint that hard. I can do it without cutting myself and that's saying something.
when that is done fill the paprika halfway with the minced meat and then put some sliced cheese on it. the spaghetti kind of cheese will do. Then fill the rest of the paprika and seal with cheese.
also spray some paprika on the cheese.

and then put this in our oven until the cheese is nicely grilled.
in the meanwhile you can prepare some other vegetables, I used some cucumber , peas and carrots but anything goes.
when the paprika is done, serve it with the vegetables and top it off with some cocktail sauce.
you can also choose to have some rice with it or toast.

I used toast but that's more because I forgot to make the rice : - /
anyway that was my contribution for the evening!

enjoy the dinner

I hate mondays

the weekend is over, not much happend though.
Saturday was easy going, made pancakes with sirup and a lovely chocolate sauce*drool*

then we cleaned the appartment. Considering the fact that there are 2 guys living together, we manage it very well.

and the rest of day was filled with videogames...
the germans don't drive themselves back eh. Also watched some movies.
Horton hears a who for example. great movie, I can recommend that one. laughed alot with it.

Also watched a show from dateline NBC, to catch a predator. You may have saw it or the southpark parody in the petite tourette's episode but It was intriguing to watch.

the setup is as following: the show goes on the internet posing as little girls/boys and then invites men who talk in a sexual way with them.
You wouldn't believe the kinds of people that show up. Homeland security officers, teachers and offcourse already convicted child molesters and rapists!
But it was a good watch.

I went to a "rommelmarkt" here in St.Pölten on sunday. They had lots of cool stuff.
Old Nintendo's , Super Nintendo games. I felt like a little kid again. It had a very retro feel to it.
I enjoyed it and it was a good walk. I was out for 2 and a half hours so that counts for something.

so my goal for the day is to have a test script running for my squid. Trying some stuff out on the VM but it needs time to reboot so I'm currently technicaly unemployed

Off to work now!
Currently listening to: Justice - Phantom Pt II ( Boys Noize Remix )

Friday, April 18, 2008

The groove is strong in this one

Hadihow folks!

So yesterday was a pretty eventfull evening. during my work hours I recieved an e mail that there was going to be an electro night in the bubbles bar. And since recently i've been getting into electro so I was interested.

In the evening I contacted kris, he is also from xios belgium but he does an internship in social work here. Never met the guy so that was going to be interested. he turned out very okay.
I can definatly see myself hanging out with this guy.
Also met some of the other foreign studens here. they were mostly from france though.

and god knows how much I hate the french. damned frenchies. they have a horrible accent when they talk. but I can live with it, for now... till I have something sharp ... soon ...

anyway it was a nice party, the music sucked donkey balls but the company was good. lots of interesting people to meet and talk too.
I left the party at around 03:40 I think and then made my way for my sweet warm bed.

today was nothing special. my stomach was upset so I wasn't able to make it to the fh but I got some progress working at home.
now i'm off to finish some work on my thesis.
and I offcourse do this to the awesome tunes of Daft Punk - alive 2007
they have some sick mixes on it.

Currently listening : Daft Punk - Da Funk / daftendirekt

Thursday, April 17, 2008

My new best friend, Eric.


so eummhh.. . wel this is an ackward morning.
yesterday, while playing some Team Fortress 2 ( It's coward killing time ... ) I thought hey let's make a cocktail. I have more booze then food in the house so why not.
I remember making 2 of em, some fruit on the side couple of ice cubes ... the works.

now the problem is, the next thing I know is that I wake up in my bed.
I get up walk to the living room. the laptop is playing a movie an next to the laptop is my bottle of vodka. my roommate gave this as a present when I arrived. it's a 2l Eristoff red vodka bottle.
the bottle was nearly empty. still some on the bottom.
so apparently I drank a bit more then I remember. But that's not all, the bottle has a face drawn on it with a text balloon: "I'm Eric, Drink me!"

... yeah big WTF moment. but you know how could you deny that request.
and I think this might make for a good relationship, Eric seems like a decent man. a man who can get the truth out of you and make you do things you would never do.
He gets the best out of any man. So I think I made a pretty good friend last night.

judging by davy's comment in my previous post, I talked to some people aswell...
3 words people: I know nothing! I'm not a crook ^^

oh well so much for my pointless rant.
Work related everything is fine. I'm learning a lot on Linux handling and scripting in Linux.
I always knew that Linux was a mighty tool but now I worship it.

Currently listening to: Nightwish - Cadence of her last breath.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Woman, I make em cry

so this was a lovely morning.
I have some extra hours on work so I thought I'd sleep in today and make me a good breakfast.
and so I did, bacon, onions, mushrooms and 3 eggs.
all of this in a pan, add pepper and salt and a touch of paprika.

makes for a great omelet.
now during this holy ceremony of feeding the steve I was interrupted.
some people at my door. jehova's witness it seemed, and they came to witness me.

now for those who don't know, I don't believe. most of the things they claim to be miracles are to me ordinary scientific events.
and so they tried to convert me. I tried to be nice, I stated that I do not have an interest for it and they will not convince me otherwise.
now this woman had this motherly feeling I believe and she stated but god did this, and what do you do if something goes wrong.
my reaction:
if something goes wrong then I goddamned fix it. I'm man enough to admit my own mistakes, fix my mistakes and I know damn well that I don't have to blaim some higher power because my kid is retarded.
at this point the woman started to have red eyes. I think I hit a soft spot somewhere along the line.
then she started stating things like the creation of human beings, and how god takes care of us all. and off course I broke those ideas with the necessary scientific proof.
I was very close to run to my computer and print a copy of the flying spaghetti monster bible, hell even the lolcat bible would do at this point.

but they finally got the message and buggered off. I heard the lady cry as she walked down the stairs. Victory has a theme song now...

I also have some bad news. the touchpad on my laptop appears to be malfunctioning. likely my guarantee runs untill november this year so I can send it for repairs when I get back home.

the internship then, everything is going fine. i'm on my own now for 2 weeks, my project leader if off to the IP in poland but i'm doing allright. messing around with a squid proxy server atm and it's an interesting piece of software. many many possibilities.
and so that special agent 1182 is no longer worried, I have recieved supplies.
back to the bunker!

currently listening to: the sound of his ego celebrating victory over the followers of god.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Entertain me!

So I finished part 1 of the project
sort off...
I wasn't able to program the Cisco router but I do have the commands to enable a dhcp relay but it needs more then that and that's a bit much for me to study in a week.

so on to the next part.
According to artikel 2006/24/EU every public hotspot needs to log traffic and usernames etc.
and this is exactly what I will be doing.
I have a good idea on how to do this.
the server runs a postgre database, it's a new database which I haven't worked with before but that won't be a problem.

also non work related. this town is boring!
My roommate and I took a little walking trip last night and while it's a very beautiful city there isn't much going on.
We walked past Campus Domus and good god. it's like the roman decadence era all over again.
from every window you hear girls screaming, singin and overall being drunk.
you see guys going from one room to the next falling into some other girls arms.

Am I glad i'm not there. I would be the grumpy old guy screaming that he needs his sleep.
speaking of old, I'm NOT! so far everyone I have met here is at least 2 years older then me.

also I went to an archery range last wednesday. It was awesome. going to do that again.

oh well back to work.
Currently listening: The poison - prodigy

Monday, April 7, 2008

The project

Hello guys!

so i'm going to post a bit information on the project that i'll be working on
the university here wants to provide the city with wireless acces that you can use if you're a student, a customer with the ISP or if you buy an account :-)
there are already some hotspots in place but the project needs to be expanded further.

my task is to provide a generalised DHCP server that monitors all the traffic.
there are off course other stuff to be done but this is what i'm doing now :-)

newsflash, I am out of food. repeat, code 9 call the lemmens!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sight seeing in St pölten

Sara and me went out in st pölten to do some sight seeing . my roommate informed me of a nice lake, about 20 mins from our place and it was beautiful!

we just sat on the grass, enjoying the sun, feeling a slight breeze. It was great.
less talky more watchy.

My welcome party!

Woohoo! party!

my roommate organised a small welcome party for me so that I can feel right at home.
It was lots of fun. The language was a bit of a problem but it went allright.
We also did a beer contest. They did different kinds of beer in a plastic cup and the marked the cup with a letter. Then you had to drink from the cup and guess which beer it was, you also had to say if you liked it or not.
It was an educational experience, I did get one beer right. Heineken. but we have that in belgium also so... easy!

something else I noticed, the beers in austria are a bit bigger, 0,5cl compared to 0,25cl in belgium
but belgium does have an alcohol % of 7,8 or something compared to 4,6% in austria. Go belgium!

off course all the evidence is on camera and on my photobucket account.

Also note that my excellence has been captured in one image particulairy wel.

Monday, March 31, 2008

First day in vienna

Since I have been a bit late for making all these posts I already have some material I can share.
We arrived in vienna last thursday , with we I mean me and my kick ass girlfriend, Sara.

My roommate picked us up at the trainstation in vienna and took us on a mini tour in vienna.

He showed us the city center and we went for some drinks.
Let me tell you, Vienna is a beautiful city. I definitely recommend it to anyone!
We didn't take a lot of pictures at that time but we did go back on saturday.
It was a lot of fun. Enough talk, here are the pictures!


Greetings to all who visit!

For those wondering what this page is about, let me tell you.

I'm a student from the Xios Hogeschool Limburg, Belgium and currently in my third and last year.
I study Applied IT and have as a graduation course Systems and Networking.

Because this is the last year we have to go on an internship. This can be in Belgium or abroad.
I went abroad, simply because it offers so much more then staying in your own country.
For this internship I chose the fachhochschule St Pölten in austria. The subject there was IT security and I find that the most interesting part of the entire IT business. For me that is.

After doing all the required paperwork I got accepted for this position and so my austrian adventure began.