Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Woman, I make em cry

so this was a lovely morning.
I have some extra hours on work so I thought I'd sleep in today and make me a good breakfast.
and so I did, bacon, onions, mushrooms and 3 eggs.
all of this in a pan, add pepper and salt and a touch of paprika.

makes for a great omelet.
now during this holy ceremony of feeding the steve I was interrupted.
some people at my door. jehova's witness it seemed, and they came to witness me.

now for those who don't know, I don't believe. most of the things they claim to be miracles are to me ordinary scientific events.
and so they tried to convert me. I tried to be nice, I stated that I do not have an interest for it and they will not convince me otherwise.
now this woman had this motherly feeling I believe and she stated but god did this, and what do you do if something goes wrong.
my reaction:
if something goes wrong then I goddamned fix it. I'm man enough to admit my own mistakes, fix my mistakes and I know damn well that I don't have to blaim some higher power because my kid is retarded.
at this point the woman started to have red eyes. I think I hit a soft spot somewhere along the line.
then she started stating things like the creation of human beings, and how god takes care of us all. and off course I broke those ideas with the necessary scientific proof.
I was very close to run to my computer and print a copy of the flying spaghetti monster bible, hell even the lolcat bible would do at this point.

but they finally got the message and buggered off. I heard the lady cry as she walked down the stairs. Victory has a theme song now...

I also have some bad news. the touchpad on my laptop appears to be malfunctioning. likely my guarantee runs untill november this year so I can send it for repairs when I get back home.

the internship then, everything is going fine. i'm on my own now for 2 weeks, my project leader if off to the IP in poland but i'm doing allright. messing around with a squid proxy server atm and it's an interesting piece of software. many many possibilities.
and so that special agent 1182 is no longer worried, I have recieved supplies.
back to the bunker!

currently listening to: the sound of his ego celebrating victory over the followers of god.


Davy Suffeleers said...

The alpha male strikes again!

Davy Suffeleers said...

Als ge dit leest: Guten morgen Steve "kopfschmerze" Bielen ;)

Anonymous said...
