Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hurr ruurrr

So greetings!

Well last time I talked about the BBQ, didn't happen..
It was raining freakin sideways! I think my oh it hurts.. post overdid it a bit.

I did attend a little party on thursday, spent the evening at mau's place, drinking white wine with cola. wasn't that bad. hits like a hammer after an hour though.

it was great. played some drunken darts, Ended up second. and I didn't throw it into anyone's eye.
not that I know of but hey.

The weekend was pretty hectic. It turned out my thesis was due last monday while I thought it was the 16th. Yeah great going steve. you genius. Turns out that was the date my girlfriend had to deliver her thesis... woops..

Anyway! so for this week. deploying the Squid! I'm really excited about it. I've been running a test config for weeks now so I don't expect any major difficulties but you never know with software. then for the weekend I'll be attending Novarock!
It's going to be awesome. They do foresee a lot of rain but that might be a benefit on a festival. I am worried about my camera though ... we'll see , stay optimistic as marion told me. which is a good idea. but you should ask yourself how optimistic can you be without it turning into being pure hopefull.
I mean being optimistic is like going to the store and thinking that the whole cart won't be more then 80 €.
But going out with a girl thinking you'll get some tonight if hopefull..

yeah I'm deep as the ocean baby!

you probably won't see me till next monday orso so I bid you farewell, be good and have fun :-D
signing out

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