Monday, June 2, 2008

Long overdue

So greetings everyone
been a long long looong time since I made a post. but i'm going to make up for by a long post.

So what have I been up to lately. well nothing out of the extraordinary. I took a trip with the ISN to burgenland. Not as cool as it sounds but it was a very beautiful environment. you find some pictures and movies on the links to the right. Feel free to have a look. Once we were there we took a bike trip through the vineyards and those things are huge. also because of the hot weather that day I got a bit of a sunburn. nothing too bad but enough to get me some red skin and irritations for a few days. the boat trip was ... different. the boat would take us up a lake , and cross the hungarian border. very beautiful view and the wind was awesome. especially if you're burned :-D
then we also got a BBQ on the boat. good meat! and free wine. this was a bit of set back for me. I don't really like wine but I do like free stuff so I had 5 glasses. and I was in good shape. well statistics for that trip: 16-18 ISN people, 2 hour boat trip. 12 bottles of wine. Yeah, not bad huh.
well we paid 30€ for that trip. that includes lunch, the bikes, the boat, the BBQ and the bus trip there and back. We had to earn that money SOMEWHERE. and the idea of picking wine grapes for 30€ did not appeas me. Well not in their unprocessed form :-)

As for the rest, the usual. watch some movies. hang out. take a little walk and work.

Speaking of work that is going awesome. I completed the bulk of the project so now I'm throwing in some new shiny features like a Perl script that has some of the more common queries for the database and gets them for you at the press of a button.
Well the idea behind it is simpel. the more you do yourself, the less an other person can fuck up.

Also a big achievement I'm kind off proud of is my SQLDaemon script. the Perl script opens a FIFO, waits for input and when it comes , formats the input and inserts them into the database and then waits for some more input. It's like a taiwanese hooker when the navy is in town!
Squid doesn't support databases by default so I had to make a work around for it that proved to be quite stable.which is a good thing. Should anyone out there want the script for making Squid write to a PostgreSQL database... let me know. It might not be the best coding but it works and you don't have to do it anymore.

Currently it's only 4 more weeks and then back to home. Although St Pölten is a pretty dull city I will miss it. the easy going here got me kind off attached.
There are a few events planned for this week and the next.
wednesday there will be a BBQ for the ISN students, free. So I'm going .. duh!
I'm planning on inviting some friends here for a movie night or a drinking party or something. I'm hoping that there will be a party soon and then we can warm up here. I have 2 fridges of beer that need emptying. I swear they will be empty by the time I leave! that or I enter the plane drunk from the left overs. should prove interesting... Michiel will stand up for his homies. I hope

So that's it for today. i'll report back on wednesday and let you know how the BBQ was.
Oh and to the people of belgium.. how's the weather ? Heat wave in austria bitches! Oh it hurts doesn't it, it hurts ... *happy dance*

See you around!

Currently listening to: Nirvana - Lounge act

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whatever you do, don't pick a fight with the sky marshals!
