Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wacka Wacka


Woa I have a lot to talk about.

I had some visitors from belgium here and they came in peace. they als brought me a gift to show their kind intentions. It was a very pretty young lady that I could keep. Off course for your information that was Sara my girlfriend.

Robin and sandra and sara drove 9 hours by car just to see me. how awesome is that ? Well the girls came to see me. Robin came here to pick up the seasons of Stargate that I downloaded. We did a lot of fun stuff. Made some trips into the city here. ALOT of shopping. and I mean ALOT. fiendisch womans! but it was fun. Our trip to vienna was very cool.

When we arrived there on saturday there was a the vienna city fest in progress. so all the big squares with the library and all that had all kind of stands on it. a stage where some people where performing a sound check. and lots and lots of people. It was really great.

They also brought me some sweet sweet Jupiler. Now I have some REAL beer here. I'm going to savor it :-D
You can take a look at all of the photos, they're on my photobucket account.

there are some pictures that I'm very proud of.
This would be the first one: Look at the happy faces such a magical photo.. and then WHAM i'm in the background! neat huh!

also this is a pretty nasty one. it's a bear from a chocolate store.Look at the hands! look at em! Think of the children!
You might notice the amount of pictures. well there is a good explanation for it. Burst Mode.
we've been playing around with it and now I need to find some time to make animated gifs.
probably next week orso.

speaking of time, my project is making huge leaps forward and backwards aswell!
Steve typo Bielen struck again.
one random letter in the config file of squidguard and the entire proxy server crashed. sweet huh. But that's fixed now so all good.

Currently working on the blacklisting features. It's pretty scary though. I was at line 4300 on the porn blacklist and I didn't pass 1% of the entire file ... So much porn ...
ALSO! is a commercial blacklist. the biggest one around. they have everything divided into categories so that you can block or allow them easily. the weird part is that they have a seperate category for french education ... yeah let it sink in FRENCH EDUCATION!
why in the love of god would someone need a seperate category for french education.
I can image something like this:
"Sys admin": Johnson the system is having that bandwith problem again. What can we do about it ?"
"IT assistant": No idea , perhaps we can blacklist some sites?
"Sys admin": Open and shut case Johnson. let's blacklist the french and get this over with!

No really, what the hell. This is a case like the netauthority. they consider beastiality and interracial sex on the same level of offensive behavior. off course that site was a parody on the extreme religion kind off guys.
But i'm going to stop here.
Got some work to do.

see you guys and thanks for reading!


Anonymous said...

For the love of God, your girl comes over especially for you and all you can do is whine about the shopping?

At least you had Pedo Bear

And the Jupiler, when I read your previous posts, it looks like you don't quite need it...

Greetz from Pt

Steve Bielen said...

well ... Yeah!

I do need it then everything goes
harder better faster stronger :-D

Anonymous said...


What do the doorknobs think of that? especially the 400€ kind?

By the way, Steve, if 2 computers have just 1 ip adress each, and they are in different subnets, will they be able to see eachother?

What do YOU think?


Steve Bielen said...

How's that for a snappy comeback ?
Also I was drunk then! I know better then that. Michiel "How do you format that hard drive " Lemmens

how's that huh, It buuurns!
It's the pain train baby wooooow

Anonymous said...

how do you format that hard drive?

I have no recollection whatsoever concerning this issue.

I do however have recollection of you asking me the abovementionned question. I even have chatlog to prove it...

how's THAT for a BURN???