Friday, April 18, 2008

The groove is strong in this one

Hadihow folks!

So yesterday was a pretty eventfull evening. during my work hours I recieved an e mail that there was going to be an electro night in the bubbles bar. And since recently i've been getting into electro so I was interested.

In the evening I contacted kris, he is also from xios belgium but he does an internship in social work here. Never met the guy so that was going to be interested. he turned out very okay.
I can definatly see myself hanging out with this guy.
Also met some of the other foreign studens here. they were mostly from france though.

and god knows how much I hate the french. damned frenchies. they have a horrible accent when they talk. but I can live with it, for now... till I have something sharp ... soon ...

anyway it was a nice party, the music sucked donkey balls but the company was good. lots of interesting people to meet and talk too.
I left the party at around 03:40 I think and then made my way for my sweet warm bed.

today was nothing special. my stomach was upset so I wasn't able to make it to the fh but I got some progress working at home.
now i'm off to finish some work on my thesis.
and I offcourse do this to the awesome tunes of Daft Punk - alive 2007
they have some sick mixes on it.

Currently listening : Daft Punk - Da Funk / daftendirekt

1 comment:

Davy Suffeleers said...

Daft punk usually keeps me awake while reading as well...

Some pics of the "company" would be appreciated!
